Visualizing Cantor's Theorem on Dense Linear Orders Using Coq

Cantor’s Theorem about dense linear orders states that any two linear orders which are

  • countably infinite
  • dense
  • do not have endpoints (i.e. unbound from above and below)

are isomorphic.

The standard proof is a quintessential application of the back-and-forth method, where one builds an isomorphism between two countable structures equation and equation by iteratively building up a finite partial isomorphism: grab the “next” point in equation and find some point in equation so that these two points extend the existing partial isomorphism; and then do the same thing starting from equation. Continuing in this fashion, at stage equation you have a full isomorphism (since both structures are countable).

While the proof may not too difficult to understand, visualizing the isomophorisms produced by this method is another story. Fortunately, Cantor’s Theorem is constructive, with a few caveats1, so we can actually construct these isomorphisms. In order to do to this, I used Coq to formalize Cantor’s Theorem in the abstract, and then provided some examples of these orders. In particular:

  • equation is a countable dense linear order without endpoints
  • If equation is such an order and equation, then equation (with the induced suborder) is also
  • If equation are two such orders, then equation (with the coproduct order) is also
  • If equation are two such orders, then equation (with the lexicographic order) is also

The full verification effort can be found in this repo.

After extracting a couple of examples to Haskell, I was able to produce these three plots:

An order isomorphism from equation to equation:

An order isomorphism from equation to equation:

An order isomorphism from equation to equation:

1: To avoid using choice principles, we assume that countability is witnessed by a bijection with the natural numbers, density is witnessed by a midpoint-finding function, and lack of endpoints is witnessed by functions which find points to the left and right.

Written on May 16, 2020